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The web and social-network version of this game has been played millions of times, and now the best-ever version of this devious circuit-building puzzle game is available to take with you anywhere!

The rules are quite simple, "connect all the wires, and light up the lights". And the wires are all in the right place. They just need to be rotated a bit so that everything is powered up. Unfortunately, that is not as easy as it sounds. Every puzzle has a solution, but some are not very obvious. Features "undo", "restart" and "give up" to help you solve the puzzles.

Once you give it a try, you will be hooked. Have fun!

Almost got it!
ContinuityBox is a slightly easier variant with no bulbs
Easy instructions
Games can get pretty tough
The less dense puzzles are not as hard
We have a winner!
Works great on the iPhone with full GameCenter support
Available for iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch
Available for desktop Macs
Available for Android devices on Google Play
Available for Android devices on Amazon
Available for download as part of The Code Zone Retro Pack
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